Cayman Pride Parade 2024

Refund Policy: No Refunds

Good morning all,
Please note that the new date for Cayman Pride Parade has now been approved.
The new date are as fallows:
The Parade will now be taking place on the 6, July 2024.
The location remains the same. Parking lot next to XQ”S Bar on WBR.
Line up time will be at 3:00 PM and the starting time 4:00 pm.
The route will be from the XQ”S location leading down North Church Street and ending at the Cayman Cabana location in George Town on the water front.
You are still able to purchase your Pride Tee shirts at the Cayman Cabana location. Shirts are CI.25.00 each.
We look forward to seeing you on the 6, July 23024 and many thanks for supporting the Cayman LGBTQ Foundation 4th annual Cayman Pride Parade (CPP)
Should you require further information please email us at
Happy Pride month everyone!